In this series of commercials we recently produced for Arizona Federal Credit Union, we are showcasing their newest service, CardPower. The main purpose of CardPower is to give members the freedom and accessibility to control their credit and debit cards all through the convenience of a mobile app. It’s also known as a ‘remote control’ for your finances allowing members to specify transaction types, allow and block certain transactions, set spending limits, limit the use by location and essentially turn on and off cards. In addition to producing these spots, we also strategically placed these commercials on live television through media buying efforts. Having Kurt Warner as one of the main talents allowed us to easily target sports fans by placing these spots on our local FOX Sports channel airing during baseball games. We also wanted to reach a larger audience by placing the spots on Hulu, a popular ad supported streaming company. Our advertising and marketing efforts allow for Arizona Federal to gain more members because this commercial not only targets those sports fanatics, it targets anyone who cares about their finances (which is a massive market)! At tru, we are the credit union advertising experts and know what will work to successfully market your brand and credit union as a whole. We are the leader in credit union advertising offering brand strategy, unique and creative services, broadcast and web production as well as media placement either digitally or traditionally. We will effectively elevate your credit union’s brand and do it right.