Nothing beats a good heart warming story and that’s exactly what we aimed for while creating this Arizona Federal Credit Union Super Bowl Commercial. Through the kindness of a janitor working in a hospital, Conner goes above and beyond to make one child’s day, all by using the services at Arizona Federal. For two years now, we have been able to bring the vision and idea from Arizona Federal and put it on the big screen during none other than the Super Bowl – appealing to hundreds and thousands of potential customers.
Through the duration of two days and four locations, all taken place in the Phoenix Metro area, we were able to share this emotional story with the entire world. We advertised not only on the ever-growing YouTube but also on Facebook. In addition to the production of this commercial, we designed billboards and placed them throughout the Valley to act as a retargeting measure. The “What if your money could be about dreams?” billboards were placed to allow for a much broader audience. After seeing the billboard on their drive in to work, viewers would ideally go back online and insert that key word to learn a little more about Arizona Federal. Geo-fencing also helped out in this campaign, which ultimately is a virtual barrier that someone would enter while driving and get hit with advertisements of Arizona Federal all on their phone.
As you can see, it’s an integrated cycle that makes for one successful outcome, driving potential customers to Arizona Federal’s site. Our mission was to bring awareness to Arizona Federal and the message they wanted to portray while also keeping their brand and voice in mind.
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